Christmas presents
Happy times
Ringing bells
I want a mini pig
Singing Christmas carols
Travelling to see relatives
Making Christmas cards
Around the Christmas tree goes my cat
Star on top of the tree
I am a Year 5 at Good Shepherd School in Auckland. I am in Room 5 and my teacher is Mrs Drummond.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Haiku Poems
Freezing cold water
So cold hypothermia
You can die of it In class we have been writing haiku poems. Haiku poems have different amounts of syllables in each line. The first line and last line has 5 syllables and the middle line has 7.
Freezing cold water
So cold hypothermia
You can die of it In class we have been writing haiku poems. Haiku poems have different amounts of syllables in each line. The first line and last line has 5 syllables and the middle line has 7.
School can be boring
It can also be so fun
Home time is the best
It can also be so fun
Home time is the best
Ice cream
Ic.e cream is so good
Ic.e cream is so good
My flavor is chocolate
Yum yum yum yum yum
Yum yum yum yum yum
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Every Friday morning my class does hockey with Auckland Hockey. We each get our own hockey stick and ball. We start with a warm up and then we practise a skill. Our first week we practised how to hold a hockey stick, juggling and different types of dribbling. Last week we practised our grip which is how to hold a hold a hockey stick, our juggling and dragging.
In term 3 we started Pūmanawa. The 4 choices were Kitchen science, cartooning, preforming and yoga. I chose 1 Cartooning 2 yoga 3 preforming. I got put in yoga and I love it. The first thing I learnt was child's pose and downward dog. My favourite thing we learnt is headstands, I do them at home a lot.
Thursday, August 8, 2019
Ocean Poster
In our class we did posters about a ocean. We got to chose from Pacific Ocean, Southern Ocean, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and Arctic Ocean. I chose the Pacific Ocean, it stretches from the Arctic Ocean to the Southern Ocean. The ocean's western border touches Asia and Australia while its eastern border touches North and South America.
Revolting Recipes
Ingredients You will need
eggs 2 bowls
50g butter 1 mixing spoon
1 cup of sugar 1 Sieve
3 capsicums Frying pan
2 cups of sprinkles weigh
1 pickle oven
1 cup of milk
1 cup of flour
3 bags of m&ms
1 whole bottle of chocolate sauce
1 teaspoon of baking soda
3 carrots
Bottle of food colouring (your choice)
cooking spray
1 cup of flour
3 bags of m&ms
1 whole bottle of chocolate sauce
1 teaspoon of baking soda
3 carrots
Bottle of food colouring (your choice)
cooking spray
1.sieve flour, baking soda and sugar into a bowl.
2.cut the capsicum,carrots,pickles into small pieces.
3.Add sprinkles, cut capsicum, cut carrots and cut pickles into the dry ingredients and
4.Weigh and melt 50g of butter then pour it into the other bowl.
5.Mix 2 eggs and milk into the melted butter.
6.Pour dry ingredients and food colouring into wet ingredients and mix.
7.Spray your pan with cooking spray
8.Turn the stove onto high and pour some of the pancake mix onto the frying pan and cook on one side till it makes bubbles on the top, then flip it and wait two minutes
9.Twist the lid off the chocolate sauce and pour it on the pancakes
10.Open the 3 bags of m&ms and dump them on the pancakes.
6.Pour dry ingredients and food colouring into wet ingredients and mix.
7.Spray your pan with cooking spray
8.Turn the stove onto high and pour some of the pancake mix onto the frying pan and cook on one side till it makes bubbles on the top, then flip it and wait two minutes
9.Twist the lid off the chocolate sauce and pour it on the pancakes
10.Open the 3 bags of m&ms and dump them on the pancakes.
Now you have your amazing pancakes that you will not like but your trash will like it.
In class we were doing revolting recipes, where you take something you know how to make and put revolting ingredients in it. Like a cupcake, put fish and salt in it boom you have a "ocean themed"
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Science Experiment
Today we did a science experiment about ice, salt and dye. Each table got a bowl and three round ice balls. Miss Drummond pored red dye over the ice balls, when she pored the dye we had to write down what we noticed and if we had any questions. Next she pored green dye and again we had to record what we noticed and if we have any questions. The last thing we did was put salt on it, when we did that it gave it a very rough texture. After we did all of that we went outside and each table got to throw one of the ice balls. We found out that big ice ball + a lot of salt = big smash.
Acrostic Poem About My Teacher
I did this poem about my amazing teacher because she is the best teacher in the world!!
I did this poem about my amazing teacher because she is the best teacher in the world!!
Monday, July 1, 2019
Egg Sitting
In my class we did egg sitting. Basically we got an egg and had to look after it for the week. You had to give the egg warmth, oxygen and you could not leave it alone, you could either leave it with a trust worthy babysitter or bring it with you to where ever you are going. Some people broke theirs on the first day but I didn't, my egg survived the week. My egg's home had some posters, a fridge and a bed mad, out of socks, tissues and handkerchiefs.
Thursday, June 13, 2019
R.E Slide About Lydia
In my class we are learning about the early people of the church and that's why Alana and I did this slide. The slide is about Lydia of the purple dye trade. I learned a lot of things from this slide, one of them was that Lydia was the first person baptised by Paul.
Monday, June 10, 2019
Water Filter Experiment
Today we did a water filter experiment. Alana and I were partners. First we got our containers. One had a hole and the other didn't. Next we had a choice of bark, sand, cotton balls and paper towels to use as our filters. We had to test the filters individually so we can see which are the best to use for our competition filter. Alana and I chose paper towels and cotton balls, it worked okay because it got all the dirt out but it still was a bit discoloured.
Thursday, June 6, 2019
Cross Country
In our school we did cross country. For my race we had to run up Telford Ave and down it again, through the gate down the path around the turf, behind the class rooms and in front of other class rooms, through the other gate, through up top and do it all again. I was coming first but in the end I came 8th. I liked it, it was fun.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Last week my class room 5 had our assembly. We based our assembly performances on ANZAC Day. I started the assembly by welcoming everyone and a prayer. Other people said other things like, "Can we please have the merit awards," and then we had our play. It was based on the book My Granddad Marches On ANZAC Day. I was a marcher with my best friend Alana. I wore a scarf and Alana wore a suit. Once we had finished other people said other things again and then we did our dance. We were dancing to We Will Remember Them by Modern Maori Quartet. It was fun.
Thursday, May 9, 2019

Country Poster
For reading we studied different countries. I studied Switzerland, that's where my cousins live. I learnt that Switzerland is an amazing place. Switzerland has adorable foxes and wolves, their Heidi dresses are beautiful and there are beautiful places to visit like Matterhorn in Zermatt.
Monday, May 6, 2019
ANZAC Pamphlet
A couple of weeks ago my class and I made pamphlets. We each did it in groups of 2 and we had a choice of like letters, pictures, clothing, badges and other things from World War 1. My best friend Alana and I chose a love letter. We searched it up and found out it belonged to Samuel Atkinson. Something I learned was that he got killed helping a friend.

Sunday, May 5, 2019
In our class we did ANZAC Day art. We had a chose of poppies, hats, ANZAC coins, crosses and a wreath full of poppies. Most people chose a wreath but I chose a ANZAC coin. We also got to dye our background. For my background colours I chose red, orange and yellow.
Friday, April 12, 2019
Bar Graph
This is a Bar Graph that I did with my friend Emma.
It is about your favourite shops.
We chose Typo, K-mart, Rebel Sports and Lovisa.
It is about your favourite shops.
We chose Typo, K-mart, Rebel Sports and Lovisa.
Shrove Tuesday
On the 5 of March 2019 it was Shrove Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday is also called Pancake Tuesday.
At the beginning of the day we went to the turf and we burnt palms for tomorrow, Ash Wednesday.
At the end of the day we made pancakes and ate them. We used:
At the beginning of the day we went to the turf and we burnt palms for tomorrow, Ash Wednesday.
At the end of the day we made pancakes and ate them. We used:
- butter
- flour
- milk
Swimming sports
On Wednesday the 20th of February we had our Good Shepherd School swimming sports.
I entered the non competitive which means I got to do water walk which is where you walk through the water but it was more like kicking because most people had to use a kick board because it was too deep for them. The second one we did was dolphin dive or dolphin kicks. I did dolphin kicks which is when you do a dolphin dive and then when you're under the water you move like a mermaid and then come up for a breath in the same way you would come up in breaststroke. The last one we did was freestyle. Freestyle is when you put your head in the water and then you move your arm though the water and then bring it back. While your arm is in the air you turn your head and take a breath. I came first in all of them. Next year I will be doing competitive.
I entered the non competitive which means I got to do water walk which is where you walk through the water but it was more like kicking because most people had to use a kick board because it was too deep for them. The second one we did was dolphin dive or dolphin kicks. I did dolphin kicks which is when you do a dolphin dive and then when you're under the water you move like a mermaid and then come up for a breath in the same way you would come up in breaststroke. The last one we did was freestyle. Freestyle is when you put your head in the water and then you move your arm though the water and then bring it back. While your arm is in the air you turn your head and take a breath. I came first in all of them. Next year I will be doing competitive.
Animal Poster
The last two weeks we have been creating animal posters.
The animal that I chose was a leopard.
Did you know that a leopard can leap 6 metres forward through the air? That's the length of 3 adults lying head to toe!
It was really fun.
The things that we had to list down were habitat, diet, looks, babies and whether they were endangered or not.
The animal that I chose was a leopard.
Did you know that a leopard can leap 6 metres forward through the air? That's the length of 3 adults lying head to toe!
It was really fun.
The things that we had to list down were habitat, diet, looks, babies and whether they were endangered or not.
In our class we did poems for a school in New Zealand.
We had 12 items that we could write about. They were a pink teddy bear, a ship in a bottle, a dinosaur, a coin, a person, a key, a spider, a puzzle piece, a stone, a gem, a pawn and a compass.
I chose the pink teddy bear. My poem was a bunch of describing words about the teddy bear.

I chose the pink teddy bear. My poem was a bunch of describing words about the teddy bear.
This is my poem.
Bed Day
Pink, fluffy,
Small, tiny, little, cute,
Fuzzy, stillness, unmoving, motionless, rose,
Happy, joyful, miniature, loyal,
Adorable, soft, delicate.
Pink, fluffy,
Small, tiny, little, cute,
Fuzzy, stillness, unmoving, motionless, rose,
Happy, joyful, miniature, loyal,
Adorable, soft, delicate.
Acrostic poem about How to make friends
F Find something in common
R Respect them
I Invite and include
E Empathy, show you care
N Know when to support each other
D Do the right thing
S Say you're sorry
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
The first week of school
The first week of school was when the year sixes were on camp so the year fives had to go to room six because the room five teacher had gone to camp. When I got to school I unpacked my stationary that I had brought from home. On my table were my friends Meredith and Ruby and there were also two boys named Aidan and Matthew. We started with prayers. Our prayer leaders were my friends Jiwoo and Ruby. More into the day we did a lot of get to know you games and activities. We started doing art which was our koru art. I chose the colours purple and yellow. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were all the same and we continued to play games, activities and our Koru art. Friday was so much fun, at fitness we had a race. For the boys Dean came first. For the girls I came first and against the whole class Dean came first and I came second. At the end of the day we had a game called Octopus.
Friday, March 1, 2019
My pepeha
Ko Maungawhau tōku maunga
Ko Te moana-nui-a-kiwatōku moan
Ko Aotearoa tōku iwi
Nō Tamaki-Makaurau ahau
Ko Te Hepara Pai tōku kura
Ko Maria tōku mama
Ko Patrick tōku papa
Ko Faith Gribble tōku ingua
Ko Te moana-nui-a-kiwatōku moan
Ko Aotearoa tōku iwi
Nō Tamaki-Makaurau ahau
Ko Te Hepara Pai tōku kura
Ko Maria tōku mama
Ko Patrick tōku papa
Ko Faith Gribble tōku ingua
My mantra
I chose this mantra because Finding Dory is one of my favourite movies but it also keeps motivating me to keep on going and trying harder and harder until I get it right.
I chose this mantra because Finding Dory is one of my favourite movies but it also keeps motivating me to keep on going and trying harder and harder until I get it right.
Poem about Alana
Here is a poem about my best friends Alana I did it for fun because I like to write poems
I have a friend her name is Alana,
She is the best, she likes bananas,
But sometimes when she eats bananas,
she will go woo hoo a lama.
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